Thursday 6 November 2008

The answer is sewing in the wind

Phew, after Blogtoberfest I needed to have me a little lie down!

But it hasn't been all feet-up here at Chez Kitchen-Table. There has been crafting. Not so much knitting, but lots of sewing.

For some bizarre reason, I cannot justify in my mind sitting down and knitting during the day. There's some ancient hind-part of my brain that feels like it's wasted time, and I should be out in the fields or milking the cow or something.

Sewing, on the other hand, is a justifiable pursuit, as it involves moving between table, ironing board and machine, and is somehow more active than knitting. If i knit, I want to have the teev on, and that is a no-no for me during the day. The exception is when I'm feeding Grace and would otherwise be staring at the wall, since I can't knit - or sew - and feed her. Television during the day feels very lazy, passive perhaps. See Mum, you did have some influence!

But I digress.

Much of the sewing has been for gifts, so I can't reveal it yet.

But the first item was gifted on Monday, to Bec's newly-three-year-old Charlotte, so I can show you. And in the words of someone much more famous than me, I'm loving myself sick over it!

The hat is from Kwik Sew pattern 3079, and the bag was based on this tutorial. Of course I made it much harder for myself because I wanted the bag to be reversible, so it's a little gumby at the side-seams. The hat is also reversible, lined in the same plain purple cotton as the bag.

The birthday girl was pretty impressed - you can see the hat on the intended noggin here.

As for the other projects...all will be revealed in the fullness of time. And at the pleasure of Australia Post.


twitchy fingers said...

Loving them sick too! Spots! There should be more of them. Clever girl.

Bron said...

George, your sewing is so ace!!
I can't believe how perfect that little set is!

Five Ferns Fibreholic said...

By child number three you'll be able to nurse and knit at the same time :)

Trust me, it can be done!

Donna Lee said...

The birthday girl looks beautiful in her hat. What a cute set and perfect for a 3 year old to carry her important stuff around in. Audio books were made for nursing....

amy said...

I'm the same way about the TV during the day, because I always have kids around. If I'm not otherwise occupied while nursing--reading stories or otherwise helping an older kid--I read. Or just stare at the beauty of the baby. :-)

Lynne said...

I pooped over to see the hat on the recipient's head. Your reversible work is beautiful.

My word verification is 'noudal' - is that where her hat was? LOL

Leonie said...

Clever Lady what a lovely little set, Charlotte looks very cute! I also multitask my knitting, generally while watching the tv. Sewing is much more of a daytime thing in our house too, I have two big helpers! It only happens when the baby (13mths) is asleep though, don't want him finding dropped pins!!!

Rose Red said...

I never feel guilty about knitting, because I'm always creating something useful (very broad definitions here!!). But I know what you mean about the tv during the day - it is a timesuck.

Clever you on the reversible sewing!!

Bells said...

That title made me chuckle.

Your sewing work is beautiful. I almost wanted to ask for a hat and bag for myself!

I don't like watching actual TV during the day. Hate daytime TV with a passion. But a DVD of some fine, quality TV I can always make time for.

Denise said...

What a great little hat and bag!!

I'm the same with daytime TV - a huge no-no for me as well.

MadMad said...

Ay! I am the SAME way about knitting (and TV) during the day! It kills me, because basically I spend the whole day waiting for it to be over so I can go knit! That can't be right, either!

Lea said...

wow you fit so much in- it is beautiful. I too find knitting in the day difficult - I always feel like I should be up doing housework or in the garden - maybe milking cows!

Em said...

I see that you really just need some help with rationalizing. For instance, I never ever ever feel guilty about knitting during the day. Sure, I could use that time to make a huge lot of curtains, or paint, or wash dishes, or fold laundry. But if I did that, then mine would not be the house that made everyone else's look better by comparison, and clearly that's letting the team down. Teamwork is vital to life, can't let that sort of thing happen, you know?

See? Allll rationalized. Mostly.

Kate said...

That's absolutely gorgeous! Is the little girl a bit handbag obsessed? I think Til's starting to head down that path. I'll have to direct Kylie over to your blog as I'm sure her little girl would look v. cute in this combo.

About the TV and knitting thing - totally with you! I have difficulty even when I remind myself I'm knitting for Christmas prezzies to save us money!

Monique said...

George they are just beautiful. I may have to commission you for a set for Ellie!!

I can't believe all the things you are achieving on maternity leave. You are amazing!

PS I loved the nappies a few blogs back. The princess will hav ethe hottest bot in town.