Tuesday, 6 January 2009

Day Two: It's oh so quiet....

I have to admit I'm at a bit of a loose end. I'm the only person in the house. Just me, all alone. Don't get me wrong, it's not like I don't have a million things to do, it's just that I don't want to really start anything because I keep expecting childcare to call.

The plan, you see, is that I go to the centre around lunchtime to feed (nurse) the Princess; they'll call me when she wakes up from her late-morning sleep. She was going down to sleep when I left her at 8:45 this morning, and I expected the call about 1230 or so. Except it's nearly 2:00 and they haven't called!

Yep, my phone is still working. Just called it from the landline to check.

I raced out this morning to the supermarket - how novel, to do a week's shop entirely unfettered by little people! - and a couple of other errands, then raced home again by 11:30. I was afraid I'd get The Call in the checkout line at the supermarket, or some other place where I couldn't just grab my keys and walk out.

But now I've been killing time at home, waiting, not wanting to start anything in case I have to leave. I've got cooking to do, sewing projects, major clearing out of cupboards, phone calls to Government departments to make. All things that can't really be abandoned instantly. Instead, I've caught on some blog reading (Bloglines had 450+ posts when I opened it, I am dreadfully behind), and I've got the cricket on the telly (in the middle of the day! Naughty!).

Yep, phone still working.

I'm happy, because this means Gracie has slept and eaten lunch. Otherwise I'd have been summoned ages ago.

Looks like there's nothing else for it - I think I might just have to sit on the couch and watch the cricket and wait. Some crochet might just accidentally fall into my hands.

How nice is this quiet though?


Caffeine Faerie said...

put on some Bjork... >.<

Leonie said...

I know that feeling, you're waiting for the call, it doesn't come, you do something little and hope to get back in time and still it doesn't come....you know you're allowed to ring and check on her right? If you really want to that is.....or maybe just watch that cricket. They will call when they need you. It's just weird not having that responsibility isn't it?

Bron said...

nice =)
ps Show us your crochet!
(whoops, sorry, i guess some of that summernats vibe rubbed off on me over the weekend ;o))

Rose Red said...

Nice - I'm glad you are enjoying it (sort of!)

twitchy fingers said...

Oh, that's such a bitter-sweet feeling isn't it? Bitter because despite praying that they're ok without you, when they are actually ok without you it's a little sad. And sweet because you've got a moment to yourself. Enjoy!

DrK said...

glad to hear its going well today and that you are finding something to enjoy about it as well. ive got the cricket on too. doesnt feel like summer without the cricket humming in the background.

Bells said...

wow, I'm just amazed you didn't take to the couch and pick up needles or hook right away to kill those strange, quiet moments!

Donna Lee said...

It sounds like when they first sleep through the night. You're thrilled but have to keep checking to make sure they're ok because they're sleeping through the night. Sounds like a lot of suffering there, cricket (I assume the game and not an insect?) on the television and some yarn.....

Lynne said...

Enjoy your week of peace! I'd be watching the tennis if I wasn't knitting lace!!

Michelle said...

Oh yes, quiet like that can be unsettling, especially when you are waiting for The Call!

TinkingBell said...

Its so strange - but so luxurious, that quiet!

Knitting or crochet - definitely!

Alwen said...

Our son is 9 (years not months!) and went to a friend's to play this weekend after two weeks of winter vacation. When the friend's parents didn't bring him home, both my husband and I were watching the clock and waiting!

It's a mixed feeling when they get along without you.

Five Ferns Fibreholic said...

Working somewhere between part time and full time I get the occasional week day to myself. I still watch the clock but now it's to see how much time I have left before the kids get home.