We arrived at the show at around 9am, and it was all I could to do not to sprint straight to the craft pavilion.
I managed to play it cool for a little while. We watched the circus.

We dropped into Flyball Central to say hello to Kylie and Trent. Where Trent tried very hard not to spoil the surprise for me.
And then I casually sauntered into the Pavilion.
There aren't any pictures (that I'm willing to show you!) of my face when I saw the cabinets. But to stay I was stunned would be an understatement.
Here are my entries with their ribbons: What we have here, dear reader, are three (three!!) firsts, two seconds, and that little green rosette in the middle there? Well that just happens to be a Champion rosette for the novice (less than 2 years) crochet!
I coaxed Mrs Perkins out from behind the ribbon for a portrait. This is my second one - Gracie's wasn't good enough for the show, and I don't think the judges appreciate the aesthetic qualities of drool anyway.

I must take the opportunity to thank Quilting Mick for coaching me through the pattern for this. I would never have entered the crochet without her encouragement! And I'd like to thank my Mum and Dad, and my Beloved and....(cue music)
Seriously, it was great fun planning and working on my Show projects, and I'm already thinking about next year.
And now that I've conquered the crochet, there's the cakes, and the jams, and the vegetable sculptures, and the cats, and oh, do you think I could start breeding chooks, those ones with the fluffy feet, and ........
Oh my, what a smorgasbord of prizes! So clever and such a fantastic set of results, well done!!
George, you rock. You really do. I wouldn't have been in the show without you and seeing your stuff with ribbons was as exciting as seeing my own stuff.
Those photos are SO very PJ!
Oh you're a champion!!! What a wonderful Show you had!!
Chooks, oh yeah! You could start breeding Polish hens, like the one in my avatar!
See, you get me talking about chickens (I don't keep any: I just take their picture) and I'm forgetting to say congratulations!
You guys are so amazing. I wouldn't have the courage to enter something like that. Congratulations on all those ribbons! Between you and Bells, there weren't many left for anyone else.
Congratulations! I am dumbfounded that you managed to do that much with a child under a year old. AND you recently went back to work. Do you sleep?
Wow Georgie that's amazing - and inspiring! Hope you've got a pool room!
SO GOOD George!!!So is the lovely green champion ribbon on the front door at the moment, so everyone who drives by can see it? If not, please affix immediately!!
You are a star!
i cant tell you how pleased i was to see all those ribbons, i think between both of you it was pretty much a clean sweep, and so inspiring for us 'younger' knitters to see new designs awarded. and im with RR on the champion ribbon, or are you still wearing it to work?
Sigh - and to think I knew you before you were famous.
I think you are pretty bloody awesome, doing so very well on your first try! Given I lose sewing and quilting so much, I have no idea why I never enter those categories. I will have to give them a go as well next year.
And thank you for the acknowledgement, although you didn't have to! You brought the cakes along, after all! And you're the one who did all the hard work too.
Congratulations! This is a fabulous body of work - a real portfolio of knitting through the year to be proud of. And I' so thrilled that all you guys entered the show - see, isn't it really heaps of fun?
Reminds me that I had intended on increasing my output for the Wagga show this year. Hmm....
The Princess is looking stunning. I'm so glad that childcare is working well for you both and that the weight issue is a thing of the past. She's obviously blooming and developing physically and mentally bang on the knocker. Well done, mum! As for PJ, he's just gorgeous, regardless of any off putting 3yo stunts. (Remind me of this over the next 12mo. Til's just heading down the home straight of toddler-ville.)
CONGRATS!!! You did soooo well, thats awesome xx
Wow! That is amazing! I always said you were awesome!
Ribbons=sweet! Go you, winning all those pretty ribbons while running your home and caring for your small ones. Do you have a clone? Or perhaps a robot? I know, it's just that you're awesome! :)
You are so so so clever.
Will you teach me to crochet?
seriously - fabulous effort! (and I want a Mrs Perkins all to myself!)
Well done! Great pic in the paper too!!! Such an achievement - congratulations.
Way to go. You must be on cloud nine. This is me doing a great big cheer...YEAH Georgie!!!!!
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