Saturday, 10 November 2007

Did anyone get the number of that truck?

Today I graduated from bed (where I have been since Wednesday) to the couch.

Can't do more than a few minutes on the computer, can't knit (even thinking about knitting does me in), thankfully can read for short periods....thank goodness the cricket's on the radio.

Normal services will resume shortly.


amy said...

Oh, geez, Georgie. I hope you feel better soon. It's terrible to be so sick you can't even knit. I HATE that.

Taphophile said...

You poor bugger - thinking chicken soup thoughts for you.

Bells said...

she lives!! Come back to us soon, huh? Hope PJ is providing restorative cuddles.

Bron said...

ooooh no!!!
sounds revolting =(
Hope you're feeling better soon!!

Denise said...

Oh yuck - glad you've graduated from the bed to the couch, you poor poppet. Rest up!

Olivia said...

Feel better soon George. It's a waste of good knitting time being THAT sick!

Michelle said...

That's terrible! Hope you feel up to par soon. No knitting = no fun.

Alwen said...

Get well soon!

Em said...

Poor woman, too sick to knit! *puts on her very best mom voice* Rest lots, it's good for you. And eat soup and cuddle your pirate and care for yourself. Okay? Okay! Feel better soon! (or at least before the knitting withdrawal sets in...)

Donna Lee said...

Poor you. It must be bad if you can't knit. What's the use of being sick if you can't milk it for all the knitting time you can get?

Rose Red said...

oh yeah, what Donna Lee said - no good being sick if you can't knit - that sucks! Hope you are feeling better today, and could at least manage a little knitting!

MadMad said...

You've had it awful, it sounds like! Feel better soon!

TinkingBell said...

Poor thing - hope you get better soon- and that someone is looking after you - or if that fails that someone is looking after PJ - so you don't have to!

DrK said...

well that explains sorry to hear must be really bad to stop the knitting...take it easy george xx

Trent said...

I know I have come in late, I hope you are feeling better by now.
trent xx

Five Ferns Fibreholic said...

Sending you a healing hug by way of Pirate Jim......