Regular readers know my Mum as the Master Finisher; she was a sample knitter for Patons in her youf and does beautiful work, as well as having a seemingly bottomless supply of patience. So there's always lots of knitting going on when she visits -often because she has big pile of my finishing to do!
PJ clearly decided if you can't beat 'em, join 'em.
PJ: (with my 4mm Addi circ) Nana, I knitting too.

PJ: Nana, I want wolle (wool)
At the ripe old age of 2 years, 2 months and 3 weeks, PJ has his first knitting lesson.
Thank heavens for Nanas!
Yay for Nana (and mum) setting such a good knitting example for a young boy!!!
Blimey - starting him off on hand-dyed luxury from last week and on Addis this week. Where to from here?! Go Pirate Jim.
Bad precedent here. Next thing you know, he will be telling you that you shouldn't be using that wolle, you should be giving it to him.
Start 'em young! I think that's great, good for you! (And thank you for the waffeln recipe, by the way!)
That's too sweet. I haven't managed to teach my boys yet. I think I need a Nana to do it. She'll likely have more patience. My younger son told me he was knitting me a sock, not too long ago. He came over with a piece of yarn and "measured" my foot. :)
oh he's a dude. A real knitting dude. Love your work PJ!
Aw... that is the cutest picture ever! And he looks so serious.
Yay for Nanas with endless patience! What a great pair :)
It's wonderful to see a picture of your mom sitting next to your son teaching him to knit. Knitting legacies seem to be fewer and farther between these days, how cool to see a skill passed down through the generations!
Lucky you, with such a talented Mum and so talented a son - grab 'em young - well done!
So when do you think that he'll start diving into your stash for his own projects? Or maybe you'll just have to let him start a stash of his own.
Yah for knittn' Nanas!
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