No, this is my current nemesis, the millstone around my neck, my albatross:

The deadline-knit birthday jumper for my goddaughter-niece, Little Miss M. I am so ready for it to be over, because there are about a hundred other things I want to cast on right now, and I can't until I Get. This. Done. It feels like it just keeps going and going and going....
The body is done. The sleeves are done. Even though I looked at PJ siting in the back of the car while we were driving yesterday, to see he had TWO dpns in his hands. Two dpns of course means that one has come from holding live stitches, which it clearly wasn't when he was using it as a drumstick. But the stitches were saved. (I am rubbish at picking up dropped stitches, hence the angst. Luckily I was about to be surrounded by several other knitters, so it was only momentary). Note to self: don't leave knitting within his reach in the car.
I'm currently picking up the neck. So a few dozen rows of 1x1 rib.
Then I just have to sew in the ends of all those stripes. Just thinking about it makes me want to weep for all the other things I could be knitting.
And the fascinating results of yesterday's poll have option A, paper over, out in front by a country mile.
Which is my preferred - nay, essential - option. I'm with quiltingmick, I'll change the rolls at work if they don't go over, or other people's houses.
No compromise, no surrender!
And I'm behind on Blotoberfest Inspiration Words. How about nemesis? What's yours?
Oh, that looks very pretty - I can't wait to see it completed! Don't you hate when you're on that last leg of a knit (well, ARM, I suppose) and just can't wait to get on to the next thing, but still have to finish the first? It drives me nuts!
Ah yes, the deadline knit for a birthday. I did that last year except it was crochet for a friend and I swore afterwards that it was the end of my acquaintance with the hook! I've only just been talked into again by an eccentric friend to crochet something Halloweenish. It's funny and might heal me from last year's ordeal. Good luck getting it finished!
There's nothing quite like the impatience that completely possesses you when must finish something before you start something else. I become like a lunatic, knitting in a wild frenzy of urgency.
And it's so frustrating. All those ends, George. All those freaking ends. Sigh.
Can you start something new when the knitting part is finished and just do a few ends throughout the fun of the new project?
Yeah, I'm with Bells. I'd totally start something new to take the edge off sewing in all those ends. But then that's probably why I've got 16 wips...
Ok, so if I find the toilet paper roll in my house switched, I can blame you? I often want to change it in other people's houses. At work the paper is housed in a large "professional" dispenser.
It's amazing how strongly people feel about over or under.
Me, I only get excited if it's empty and no spare roll is within reach!
My nemesis is only four rows in! It's the wedding stole to be worn on January 31! Eek! [see my blog for the whole sad story]
In the meantine: "Come on, girl, you can do it!"
i forgot about the word today - but I think my nemesis for a long time was the steeked jacket. Ugh. So glad it was over.
Nemesis was the purple sheep cardy. Please note the past tense - I finally sewed in the sleeves the other night. It's soaking in preparation for blocking tomorrow. It'll actually reach the intended infant on time. Actually, I lie. I cast it on 10 months ago intending Til to wear it this past winter! Still, I think Maria Inez (code name for the upcoming infacnt) will enjoy it.
Er, forgot to ask. What is it? A BSJ or Tulip jacket?
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